For the Birds
We have been steadily working on a new book for all of our wood working fans. This time we are focusing on those beautiful feathered guests to our yards. The book is in its final stages of development, and will be available as an e-book from Amazon in Spring of 2014. In the mean time though, here is your chance to buy some of the patterns from the book even before the book is complete. We would love feedback from you on the birdhouses, the steps, and if anything is unclear. Since we are essentially asking you to help us make this book the best it can be, these patterns will be offered at a steep discount to encourage as many people as possible to review the pattern before we go to print. Lets work together on this one!
The design model
The finished bird house
Birdhouse 1
This birdhouse has a nesting box that is 5" tall and 8" wide, and is perfect for wrens, sparrows, and other small songbirds. Like all the birdhouses in the upcoming book, it can be made from western red cedar fence planks, available at any big box hardware store very afford-ably (less than $2.50 a plank.)